Archons Wiki

Monks are basic followers that are useful for general labor. There are three ways you can handle monks. Generic monks are good if you want to just quickly define a labor force and not get into enumerating every character quirk and ability of every monk.

Generic Monks[]

Your monks represent a general labor force. They have all crafting and harvesting skills at 3. Additionally, they all have another skill, appropriate to your archon. For example, a war archon's monks will probably have melee and act like shaolin monks. A magic-focused archon will no doubt have research-focused monks while a trickster archon will likely have monks with deceit. 

Generic monks cannot learn spells. 

Specific Monks[]

Rather than having a default monk sheet and just numbering how many generic monks you have, you can write up individual sheets for specific monks. They start out with 3 harvesting skills at 3, 3 crafting skills at 3, and 3 other skills of your choice appropriate to your archon at 3. These skills can be different between monks. You can have some of your monks be specific and some general. 

Character Monks[]

You give each character monk a name and a basic personality. You start their skills and abilities the same way as a specific monk, but they grow and change. This takes more effort, but it allows more roleplaying, personality, and customization. If you have half a dozen character monks each with varying abilities and personalities, plus a bunch of other followers, it can get annoying quickly as you have too much information to keep track of. Going back to generic monks may be easier. 
